(i Hil Tes Pe le AA DAA ATA » Faun 4i a f Mollusks al Library LIBRIS X sion O ection: E z Y USN) Divi ba// a if nae; Hil il i —— = is HAND: List OF NOC EA SC. Ay. INDIAN MUSEUM. JUL 20 1988 WIKAKIES CALCUTTA : OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMEN 166, DHURRUMTOLLAH STREET. % 7 HAND LIST reOoOkLL USCA INDIAN MUSEUM, CALCUTTA, Division of Molivsks @ectional Library BY GEOFFREY NEVILL, C.M.Z.S. PART II. GASTROPODA. Prosobranchia-Neurobranchia (con¢d.). OE AM a CALCUTTA : PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1884. {jresented i he Trustees = Che jandlian Ujusemm, PREFACE. Since the First Part of the Hand List of Mollusca was published, Mr. Nevill has been compelled by the failing state of his health to resign his appointment as First Assistant in the Indian Museum. Before his departure for Europe, on the 12th March, 1883, he had made over to me the manuscript of the Second Part of the Hand ee which was shortly afterwards placed in the hands of the printer; but as the majority of the proofs had to be sent to Europe to Mr. Nevill for correction, the printing has consequently been much delayed. It is to be regretted that Mr. Nevill’s resignation will prevent any further Parts appearing, until a qualified person has been found to complete the work he has so well begun. JOHN ANDERSON, Superintendent. . The 25th January 1885. yp 8 yh —_ <= my L cs | ae ‘ n . : BP Tye. | nial rae a : | ") | | ALY yu i WP a 1 Bi rhe Fein eee & ; ! ies % “fil 1) ey ar q i i View F ny oer i? » vs EP 10 TD Pate ig anime pa : inc r Ai Be les Mite OT Ost) oo aioe ee F $1 4% P ah) eae Cee) oe é “ii ar ears at ; ie 7) bol i ° 2 y J : \. t i j Ee 3 rt P 6 ir “ w 3 “ r= a i*) i P # ise F . s * - 7 ; BAe ON) Se eT RAMUS YOM ca! ey ttey ree in By: i Ag r¢ le ied a) a « hye at i 8 ty as eg || or | a hy Su af - ne tA Side moe a ‘ Loy lithe Ve Pas ’ £ ee * = ive a sy) Lie die! . A rey a i I ni as “ar 4 ! =] eee ie ie oe NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS MENTIONED IN THIS HAND LIST. Apams: Mr. H. A. Adams, England. Ancey: Mr. C. F. Ancey, Marseilles. AnpeErson: Dr. J. Anderson, F.R.S., Superintendent, Indian Museum. Armstrone: Dr, J, Armstrong, Marine Survey of India. Batt: Mr. Valentine Ball, F.R,S., late of the Geological Survey of India, Director of Museum of Science and Art, Dublin. Baxter: the late Mr. J. B. Baxter. BrapueE: Reverend E. R. Beadle, Philadelphia. Beavurort: Miss Beaufort. BEDpDOME: Colonel R. H. Beddome, late Conservator of Forests, Madras. BrRKELEY: Colonel E. 8. Berkeley, Port Blair. Buanrorp: Mr. H. F. Blanford, F.R.S., Meteorological Reporter, Govern- ment of India. BuanrorD: Mr. W. T. Blanford, F.R.S., late Geological Survey of India, Bouvier: Mr. P. Bouvier, Marseilles. Bowie: Major M. M. Bowie, Inspector-General, Police and Jails, Nagpore, Central Provinces. BrévirRe: Mr. P. Bréviére. Brown: Mr. W. A. Brown. Butter: the late Captain John Butler, Political Agent, N aga Hills, CALDWELL: Mr. J. Caldwell, Mauritius, CHENNELL: Mr, A. W. Chennell, Topographical Survey of India. CraRKE: Mr. G. R. Clarke. Cocxsurn: Mr. John Cockburn, Opium Department, Cox: Dr. J. C. Cox, Sydney. Dopeson: Mr. W. Dodgson. Dour: Dr. H. Dohrn, Stettin, Germany. Duront: Mr, Evenor Dupont, Mauritius, Fagot: Mr, P. Fagot. FarRBANK: Reverend S. B, Fairbank, Bombay. Freppen: Mr. F. Fedden, Geological Survey of India. Fotin: Marquis Leopold de Folin, Biarritz. Forp: Colonel B, Ford, formerly Superintendent of Port Blair and Nicobars. Fritsco: Dr. G. A. Fritsch, Berlin. Gopwin-Austen: Lieutenant-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, F.R.S., late Deputy Superintendent, Topographical Survey of India, . Vi Hacret: Mr. C. A. Hacket, Geological Survey of India. HuncGerrorD: Dr, Richard Hungerford, British Medical Service, Horton: the late Captain F. W. Hutton, Bengal Staff Corps. Irvine: Mr. C. J. Irving, Auditor General, Straits Settlement. Isset: Professor Arturo Issel, Genoa. Jerpon: the late Dr. T. C. Jerdon. JrcKELi: Dr. C. F. Jickeli, Wiirzburg, Germany. Joty: Mr. P. Joly. Kenaart: the late Dr. E. F. Kelaart, Ceylon. Kina: W. King, D. Se., Deputy Superintendent, Geological Survey. Kurz: the late Mr. S. Kurz, Curator of the Herbarium, Botanical Gardens, Sibpore. Layarp: Mr. FE, L. Layard, H.B.M.’s Consul, Noumea. LayakD: the late Mr. Frederic Layard. Lea: Mr. J. Lea. Lewis: Captain T. J. Lewis, R.N.R. LinnwarpD: Mr. Liénard. Liuzore: Mr. O. Limborg. Marnwarine: Major-General G. B. Mainwaring, late Bengal Staff Corps. MatuHerse: Mr. A. Malherbe, France. Martens: Dr. Eduard von Martens, Berlin Museum. Monrenstrern: Baron G. Schwartz von Mohreustern, Moreter: Mr. A. Morelet, Dijon, France. Murray: Mr. J. A. Murray, Curator, Karachi Museum, Nevitt: Mr, A. Nevill, Langham, England. Nevin: Mr. G. Nevill, late Indian Museum. Nevitt: Mr. H. Nevill, Ceylon Civil Service. Nevitt: Mr, T, F. Nevill. Newcomes: Professor Dr. W. Newcomb, Cornell University, America. Ox~pHAM: the late Mr. T. Oldham, LL.D., F.R.S., Superintendent, Geo- logical Survey of India, Prax: Mr. S. H. Peal, Sibsagar, Assam. Prase: the late Mr. H. Pease, Honolulu. Prutty: Miss Pelly. Power: Surgeon-Major Power. RaBan: the late Mr. H. Raban, Bengal Civil Service. RICHTHOFEN: Professor Baron F. von Richthofen, Berlin, RoepstorFF: the late Mr. F. A. de Roepstorff, Assistant Superintendent Andaman Islands. Rogers: the late Major Rogers, of Port: Blair. SounerpER: Mr. G, Schneider. SempeEr: Professor Dr. C. Semper, Wiirzburg, Germany. Vil SHEPARD: Professor Shepard. SHERWILL: the late Captain Sherwill. SowERsBY: the late Mr. G. B. Sowerby, London. Stearns: Professor E. C. Stearns, Washington. StroriczKa: the late Mr. F. Stoliczka, Ph. D., Paleontologist, Geological Sarvey of India, TreMPLe: Captain R. C. Temple, Cantonment Magistrate, UmbaHa. THEOBALD: Mr. W. Theobald, late Geological Survey of India. ToNNERRE: Dr. E. C. Tonnerre, late Health Officer, Caleutta Municipulity. TowNsEND: Dr. Edmond Townsend, British Medical Service. TROSCHEL: the late Professor H. Troschel, Bonn, Germany. WARNEFORD: Reverend J. Warneford, formerly Chaplain, Port Blair, Auda- man Islands. Wessrer: Mr. E. Webster, Liverpool. Weinxkaurr: Dr. H. C. Weinkauff, Kreuznach, Germany. Writson: Mr. J. Willson, Bengal Educational Department. Witmer: Major L. W. Wilmer, Her Majesty’s 10th Regiment. Wise: Dr. Wise, Dacca. _ Woop-Mason: Mr. J. Wood-Mason, Deputy Superintendent, Indian Museum, Youne: Mr. A. G. Young, Kulu, Kangra. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES AUTHORS. Ap.= Adams. Antu. = Anthony. Bens. or Bs. = Benson. Bir. = Blanford. Bovre.= Bourguignat. Broc.= Brocchi. Brua. = Bruguieére. Brum. = Brumati. Carp. or Cpz.= Carpenter. Carp. = Charpentier. CLES. = Clessin. Cr. & F.=Crosse & Fischer. Desu. = Deshayes. Desm.= Desmoulins. Drr.= Dunker. Drap.= Draparnaud. Dys.= Dybowski. Eyp. & Sout. = Eydoux and Soule- yet. Fasr. = Fabricius, Fir. = Férussac. Fr.=von Frauenfeld. G.-Aust. = Godwin-Austen. Grrst. = Gerstfeld. Gup.= Gould. Gu. = Gmelin, GReEDL.=Gredler. GrirF.= Griffith. Hap. = Haldemann. Hant. = Hanley. JHE. = Jeflreys. Lam. = Lamarck, Lay. = Layard. Less. = Lesson. Lin. = Linneus. Lov =Lovén. Muatr. = Miblfeld. Micn.= Michaud. MonteER. = Monterosato. Mor. or Mort. = Morelet. Movs. or Mss. = Mousson. MU.t.= Miller. Nev. = Nevill. Newc.= Newcomb. NIitss. = Nilsson. Ors.=d’Orbigny. PataD. = Paladilhe. PARR. = Parreyss. PAYR. = Payrandeau. Prr.= Pfeiffer. Putt.= Philippi. RaF. = Rafinesque. Rect. = Récluz. RossM. = Rossmassler. Ry.= Reeve. OF Scuw.=Schwartz von Mohrene stern. Sp. = Sandberger. Suurt. = Shuttleworth. Sout. =Souleyet. Souv.=Souverbie. Sow.=Sowerby. Sron.=Stoliczka. Sw.= Swainson. T’.-CANEFRI= Tapparone-Cane- fri. TnHEOB. or TH.= Theobald. Trist, = Tristram. TroscH.= Troschel. Vau. = Valenciennes. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page : Paar I.—Svus-Ciass GASTROPODA. Genus Somatogyrus _ 59 I1.—Order P CHIA. » Lithogly phus . - 459 pee Eagaeae Sub-Genus Spekia_ . as OL IJ.—Sub-Order CTENOBRANCHIA. - Jullienia . 5 | Bll » __° Lacunopsis oh nGL I.—Group TaENtoGLossa. Genus Emmericia bere Section A. Holostoma— »» Pachydrohia . eG? Family Ampullariide 1 » Hemistomia . A Ge Genus Ampullaria 1 a0) ciricnla, % : 55 GP Sub-Genus Pomus . 8 », Baikalia . . eG? Ps Saulea 13 5» Trachybaikalia 63 Genus Marisa . 7, anistes’: : Sub-Family Skeneinze Seon Family Valvatide ; 13 Genus Skenea . : 5 GR 15 Sub-Family Pomatiopsine . 63 Geuus Valvata . 15 Genus Pomatiopsis . «+ 63 . e e e e e e e e ~ wo Sub-Genus Lyogyrus LG, Sub-Family Assimineine . 64 Genus Heterocyclus . ala, Genus Assiminea : a 64 Family Paludinida . Sige i: Sub-Family Rissoininze SERN | Genus Larina . A Be oS Genus Rissoina. ny » Paludina : a alte Sub-Genus Iravadia . 6 AYA Sub-Genus Lioplax . Soll! - Isseliella . a 98 ae Tulostoma Sys) Genus Fairbankia . « 99 Campeloma 5 BY 5? Holmia. * : - 100 Genus Cleopatra “ a ae ja? | MISO) : - 100 » Margarya é 4) GB » Alvania . ; - 105 » Neothauma 5 SB) 4 Henella) A els Sub-Family Benedictiine . 34 sre (Ouobat):: : lg Genus Benedictia - 34 Sub-Genus Ceratia . « 121 Sub-Family Bythiniine . 34 5 Hyalat-% S21 Genus Bythinia - 34 Genus Amphithalmus wtad Sub-Genus Fossarulus - 42 Cingula . : . 124 “3 Hydrobioides . 42 Sub- Genus. Putillajeees 5 Jae Genus Stenothyra. « 42 Genus Setia : Bee yf Family Rissoidze - 46 » Nevillia . q . 129 Sub-Family Hydrobiine . 46 » Hatoniella . - 129 Genus Hydrobia - 46 3». Crossea . : . 129 Sub-Genus Bythinella a 4o0 », Andabathron . « 130 - Tryonia ¢o: 165 » Scaliola . 2 Ave de) . Pseudamnicola . 55 » Microstelma . wee Genus Amnicola a Oe PC orenaan. - - 132 Sub-Genus Pomatopyrgus . 57 Rissopsis : py LBD Genus Cochliopa : 2508 Family Heterophrosynide . 133 » Fluminicola . - 58 Genus Jeffreysia 4 2) hoes er Gallia). é + 69 » Barleeia . F wea INDEX. PaGE PaGE Family Littorinide . « 135 Sub-Genus Meseschiza - 202 Genus Littorina “ Aue ii) Genus Anculosa : Pee 0 Sub-Genus Tectus. . 155 Sub-Genus Eurycaelon . 205 , Echinella . Bi yf Genus Lithasia . : - 205 Genus Limnotrochus . Ae ay Sub-Genus Angitrema - 205 » FPlesiotrochus . a bys Sub-Family Melaniinz . 206 Sub-Family Fossarinz . 158 Genus Melanopsis 206 Genus Risella . . . 158 Sub-Genus Pseudhemisinus . 214 Sub-Genus Peasiella . . 159 Genus Hemisinus 3 . 215 Genus Phaneta. 4 - 162 sie Doryssaus : - | a6 eR Ossare a. Ea liG2 3) wauns, . a PAYS Sub-Genus Couthouyia : 166 Sub-Genus Melanatria . 218 Genus Conradia . - 168 Genus Pirenopsis . . 218 Sub-Genus Gottoina . eultO » Claviger . E . 219 Genus Raulinia. . peeZ0 » Lartetia. : . 219 3. ‘Cithna,!. ‘ +, 170 » Oncomelania . ~. 219 aietisapisi” 3 ° eelee » Tiphobia : 219 » Fossarina . yak » Pyrgula. A 220 Sub-Family Lacunine ei) » Mboitessivria . ¢ eee Genus Cremnoconchus elias » Lhotellieria . . 220 » stenotis . . ai kts » Paladilhia c . 220 yl dieu ge, 6 : snilae » Bugesia . ° 221 » Modulus. ‘ ree 55) Melania . 4 une Family Planaxide . nistd. Sub-Genus Striatella . . 231 Sub-Family Litiopinze ea Hle 7 Melanoides . 248 Genus Litiopa . ° shee <4 Sulcospira - 266 » Styliterina . - 178 is Nigritella . . 268 op DIGI pA se . 179 iS Pachychilus - 268 fv Alaba: ° 5 aleil : Acrostoma . 270 5) te elanaxisy. : - 184 “s Melanella . Pe a2 r/il 4 Quovia ° - 193 Es Paramelania ,. 272 Holcostoma . eos , Tarebia . «2 Family Melaniidee . . 193 “ Tiara P « TR Sub-Family Ceriphasinz . 193 - Plotia,- 5: . 280 Genus Lo : . . 194 Mainwaringia . 286 » Pleurocera A - 194 Sub- i" amily Paludomine . 287 Sub-Genus Strephobasis . 156 Genus Paludomus + 287. Genus Goniobasis A - 196 Sub-Genus Philopotamis . 297 Sub-Geuus Schizestoma . 202 ; Tanalia . . 801 MOLLUSCA. II. Opprer PROSOBRANCHIA. 2. Sus-OrperR CTENOBRANCHIA, Schweigger. [ Pectinobranchia, Cuvier]. 1. Group TAENIOGLOSSA, Gray. Section A.—HOLOSTOMA, Blainville. 1. Family AMPULLARIIDA, Guilding. Grenus AMPULLARIA, Lamarck. Prod. 1799 and Syst. anim. sans vert. 1801, type Helix ampullacea, Linn. 1. Ampullaria globosa. Ampullaria globosa, Swainson, Zool. Ill. 1822, “ Indian Rivers” ; Ampullaria orbata, Mérch, [as “of Perry 1811”]; from Bangkok, fide Morelet ; fide Martens, Mal, Bl. 1857: alt. 74, diam. 78 mil. 3 Jamalpur and Gopdlpur; coll. Dr. F. Stoliczka. 50 Calcutta, Pt. Canning, Réniganj and Dacca; coll. Dr. F. Stoliezka, J. Willson and G. Nevill, Esqrs. 4 Allahabad; coll. Major L. W. Wilmer and J. Cockburn, Esq. 7 Sambalpur, Central Provinces ; coll. Colonel M. M. Bowie. 5 Manbhum; coll. V. Ball, Esq. 11 Dum-Dum; coll. Major L. W. Wilmer. 1 Kusiaéra River, above Panchuganj, Sylhet; coll. J. Wood-Mason, Esq. This last specimen is very interesting, as it was found im- mediately associated with A. muwra! Calcutta pecimens usually 2 AMPULLARIIDE. have a yellow peristome, sometimes of deep orange or crimson colour, and occasionally of a pure white! subvar. Sinistrorsa, nov. Cat. Moll. Fase. E, July 1877, p. 2, Calcutta. 1 Botanical Gardens, Calcutta ; coll. Dr. J. Anderson (45, 433). 1 Loe.? ; ex c. Asiatic Soc. Bengal [labelled “ Mauritius” ]. var. minor. Ampullaria globosa, var. minor, Nevill, Cat. Moll. Fase. EB, 1877, Dum- Dum : long. 86, d. 80% mil. 8 Dum-Dum, nr. Calcutta (type var.); coll. Major L. W. Wilmer. 2 Siliguri; coll. Colonel G. B. Mainwaring. var. incrassatula. Ampullaria globosa, var. incrassatula, Nevill, Cat. Moll. Fase. E, 1877, Calcutta and Dum-Dum : long. 32, d. 28% mil. 10 Calcutta (type var.); coll. G. Nevill, Esq. 4, Dum-Dum; coll. Major L. W. Wilmer. var. corrugata. Ampullaria corrugata, Swainson, Zool. Ill. 1822, “ India ;” fide Hanley, Syst. List, Con. Indica ? ; = A. hepataria, Ro. subvar. longispira. Long. 68, diam. 63 mil.; rugosely malleated, perist. of a pale yellow colour. 1 Benares; coll. Colonel G. B. Mainwaring. subvar. Con. Indica, pl. 113, fig. 2, Loe. ?. 3 Loc. ?; ex c. Asiatic Soc. Bengal and Dr. F. Stoliczka. subvar. Ampullaria globosa, var. Reeve, Icon. 1856, fig. £6. 4 Assam [?]; ex c. Dr. T. Oldham. Smooth and polished, with light yellow coloured peristome. Long. 58, diam. 55 mil. AMPULLARIIDA. 3 subspecies carinata. Ampullaria carinata, Swainson, Zool. Ill. IT, 1831, “India” ; var, = A. paludinoides, Conch.— Cab. IT, 1851, Mangalore | not of Crist. and Jan]. 2 Red Hill Lake, Madras; ex c. Madras Museum (55, 533). 2 Kadapa, Madras Pres.; ex c. Dr. Stoliezka. 8 Madras; coll. G. Nevill, Esq. 5 Calcutta; coll. G. Nevill, Esq. 1 Loe. P; exc. Asiatic Soc., Bengal. subvar. sinistrorsa, nov. 1 Madras; coll. G. Nevill, Esq. (38, 32). var. malabarica. Ampullaria malabarica, Philippi, Zeits. Mal. 1848, Madras. 7 Madras and Cuddalore; coll. Dr. F. Stoliczka and Colonel Beddome. These specimens resemble Con. Indica, Pl. 114, fig. 2 [‘ A. malabarica” |! var. layardi. Ampullaria Layardi, Reeve, Icon. 1856, Ceylon. 30 Ceylon; coll. G. Nevill, Esq. 4 Ceylon; coll. E. L. Layard, Esq. [A. 8. B.]. 2 Loc. ?; exc. Asiatic Soc., Bengal. Well represented by Con. Indica, Pl. 114, fig. 4 [“A. lay- ardi’”’ |. subvar. Virens. ? Ampullaria virens, Lamarck, Hist. VI, 1822, Hab. ? 1 Kollam; coll. Colonel R. H. Beddome, Most closely resembling the preceding Ceylon form ; cari- nation at suture obsolete. Near Kiister’s Pl. 8, fig. 2 [‘